Why are you reading this book? I ask this question not in a trivial or casual sense. I ask you this to jumpstart the process of inquiring into yourself. Perhaps you came to the point of reading these words because you were compelled by the title, or someone recommended the book to you, or you saw a review that inspired you to pick it up. On the surface, these seem like perfectly good responses. But do any of them capture the essence of your actual intention? Do they get to the root of what has motivated you to invest time and energy into reading up to this point?
The truth is that you are searching for something. You’ve likely been searching for it your entire life, but perhaps you’ve never quite been able to put your finger on it. Like most of Humanity, you feel an ever-present void, a fundamental lack of fulfillment, along with a desire to have purpose and meaning in life and to be connected with something greater than yourself. Furthermore, you wish to truly experience real love, peace, absolute security and lasting fulfillment.
If you’re like most people, you’ve searched for remedies outside of yourself. Various religions, gurus, political systems, scientific theories and drugs tantalizingly promise hope, a glimpse of truth, a sense of stability, and a refuge from the struggles of life. Humanity has tried all of these perceived solutions for millennia, yet still the void remains. In spite of all the devotion, hope, prayers and promises, here we still stand on unstable ground.
Unlike the palliatives mentioned above, this book will offer very little comfort or relief. But ask yourself this: Do you want reassuring stories, or do you want to see actual circumstances? Do you want hopeful fantasies, or tough realities? If you would rather be comforted and hear an upbeat delusion instead of the truth, then you should probably stop reading here. But if you are interested in truly seeing the reality of the human experience, our circumstances, our relationship with the Universe, and whether it is possible to greatly expand the limits of human consciousness, then you will find that within—both within the contents of this book and within yourself.
This book is demanding. It requires a willingness to inquire into yourself—more specifically to inquire without judgment, bias or belief. Each person brings a mountain of secondhand conditioning that skews their perception of reality. Akin to a mirror, the contents of this book reflect human consciousness not as you think it is or how you want it to be, but as it actually is. In this mirror you will see your true reflection.
For most people, looking into the mirror is hard. Examining one’s flaws and shortcomings is difficult. It’s much easier to look away, to alter the lighting, to find another mirror that projects a more flattering image, or to mask one’s blemishes under makeup. But none of these move us closer to reality. The truth emerges when we peer deep into the very source of who we are.
If you are looking for a spiritual leader, a sage, or a guru, you have come to the wrong place. I’m not asking you to follow me; I’m asking you to come on this journey with me. I’m asking that we peer into the mirror together, which will require you to actively investigate yourself throughout this book. To do this, one must temporarily leave the mountain of secondhand conditioning (beliefs, opinions, fears, etc.) that distorts the image in the mirror. To do this, one must not further add to the distortion by generalizing or simply believing the contents of this book, but rather take time to absorb, to question, and then to see clearly. This means that one must not rush through the chapters. To effectively inquire, or investigate, requires tremendous attention and care.
If one is willing to put in the work, to actively investigate without judgment, bias or belief, this book will serve as a guide to explore deep into the very core of themselves, Humanity and the Universe. There one can truly experience love and compassion, absolute security, lasting fulfillment, and a deeper connection to the Universe. Additionally, answers to questions about purpose and meaning will be revealed. In short, one can be free of delusion, hurt, fear and suffering.
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